Monday, August 24, 2015

Move In Day/ The GT struggle

                I am convinced that the reason why orientations exist is because if move in day were to be a student’s first experience with a school, very bad things would happen

                However, I do give major props to Housing and GTPD for making move in relatively smooth given the fact that they have to close down major roads like Techwood to get the students moved in.

                Personally, I went into move with a game plan. I timed my arrival to be at a low traffic hours. All the move in parts fell into place. Record setting pace. In and out like Seal Team Six. Bam.

                So I was going to write my next blog post about move in but now I have to change the subject

                So that little bit up there I wrote about a week ago shortly after the actual move in day. Then a combination of writer’s block/GT craziness/homework/laziness set in. So far some of the Georgia Tech difficulty has lived up to the hype, but I got a few rants.
We are the Georgia Institute of Technology. The finest institution when it comes to nerdy things and electronic gadgets. So you would think that when it comes to the online part of classes such as homework would be all internal, free, and easily accessible.
I have way too many different locations that I go to do and submit homework. T-square Assignments, T-Square Tests, Pearson Mastering, Pearson MyMathLab, Owlv2, Late Nite Labs, TA's, Problem Sets from the Book, ect.
Not only would the Institute be just a little easier but maybe I could have just a little more time to actually do the assignments than always checking the various sources for assignments. Georgia tech has a section on T-square for assignments so why don’t they use it?

I’m hoping to up my blog posts in the week to cover a slight back log of blog-able things (Rush, First week of classes, Extra circulars, Tech life, Football ect.)
Till then. Go Jackets!


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