Monday, November 2, 2015

Spooky Action at a Distance/Happy Halloween!!

For Halloween, we have a new campus resident!!!
So this statue is on the north west corner of Tech Green opposite of the CULC, and of all things may be the most controversial thing on campus right now (maybe even more than all the trouble OSI is even in!!) Ok that is a huge lie but seriously if you don't know about the issues with OSI from the kangaroo court that they have set up and their policy that you are guilty unless proven innocent in all cases. Even a simple search of OSI on reddit turns up nothing good. Its simple the students are not happy about this and nothing much is being done.

But I digress.

So whats up with the Einstein statue? I mean we are nerdy here at Georgia Tech and having a cool nerdy statue would be cool right? RRIIIIGGHHTT????

Well..... eh.

Yeah Einstein, or now known as Shrinestine as we won the FSU game right after it was installed is cool and all, I want more metal statues!!!

People have complained that the statue kinda looks like poop.... as seen in this video. Come on guys, its not poop. Its artsy. Something I wouldn't expect us to know much about.... Yeah engineering!!

And It makes sence because its in the physics section of campus.... even though we halve almost nothing to do with Einstein...

However we have a lot of astronauts and a statue of one of them in a spacesuit would be dope. And who doesn't like space AMIRIGHT.

But onto Georgia Tech Halloween.

Sadly I don't have any pictures of the events. This is mostly because my phone battery is crap and can barely hold a charge. But it may have been the most active weekend that campus has ever been this semester, even more after the unexpected FSU win. I may have even done my first true version of frat hopping (also known as fropping) having a party at my own fraturnity and visiting friends at other fraternities such as Sig Ep, Pi Kap, Chi Phi...... and Delta Chi who even had a dj that performed at Tomorroworld???!!!!????

Oh and the friends I did see. Including at least 15 from my high school that were at my fraternity at one time, mostly from u(sic)ga. So evidently Tech unarguably wins the Halloween party battle there. Yay I guess?

Go Jackets!

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