Monday, November 2, 2015

The Miracle on Techwood

Football post!!!

Ok so by the time I finally got around to doing this there are some more football woes, but here is something to be happy about. 

Also on a side note this is initiation week for my fraternity (date of  posting 11/2) so as soon as I am finally done with initiation I can hopefully post a helluva amount of posts.

So if the hype has died down for you let me refresh your memory

Hey I'm actually in this picture who knew
There has been some crazy events in college sports recently and this has to top the list. I'm sure many of you have seen the sports science video that broke down many factors of the success in this play, from lower than normal kick angle to a lighter return man than most of the other team.

but seriously if you haven't seen it go click on that

This is one of the best football games I've seen in a while. Well played by the Jackets. Luck , which I realize is often a factor in football, barely played into this win, minus the last play to a decent extent.

Yes this loss to Virginia also is somewhat detrimental however, still haven't lost bowl eligibility. The jackets know they got to win the rest and I believe that can happen.

We did crush a 28 ACC win streak, didn't we?

Now I just wish my Calculus grade could have a Miracle on Techwood moment too.

Thanks and THWg

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